
  • Bookings are subject to the General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industry in Austria (see also
    Assuming, dependent on weather conditions, the lodge is open or will be open as scheduled. These terms and conditions are considered to be accepted and are binding by both contracting parties.
  •  Room cancellations are only valid in writing. In case of cancellation, the Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions apply. Cancellation fees for annulation/cancellation of the booking are based on the time of the written notice and can be up to 100% of the total price, including half board! We therefore recommend to take out a cancellation insurance (for example:

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Öffnungszeiten/opening hours:  Die Hütte ist geöffnet/ hut is open!

Krefelderhütte, Langwiedweg 30,  5710 Kaprun

Hüttenwirt:  Roman Rozgonyi

Phone: +43 (0)664 5444 726        Email: